Guru Granth Sahib Resource Centre

Bhai Vir Singh Sahitya Sadan, a premier literary and cultural organization in Delhi was established in 1958 in the memory of the father of modern Punjabi literature and Saint-Poet of India Bhai Vir Singh. While the foundation stone of the building was laid in March, 1972 by President V. V. Giri, the memorial was inaugurated by President N. Sanjeeva Reddy, in 1978.

Since its inception, the Sadan has been making serious efforts in promoting the message of Guru Granth Sahib through the annotation of Gurbani and its translation into various regional and foreign languages.

In connection with the quadricentenary celebration of the installation of Guru Granth Sahib in the Harimandir Sahib, Amritsar, in 2004, the National Institute of Panjab Studies, a sister institution of the Sadan, took up a major project of Locating, Cataloguing and Digitizing rare Guru Granth Sahib Birs. With Akal Purakh's grace, we have succeeded in digitizing some of the precious Guru Granth Sahib manuscripts from different repositories in India and abroad.

To mark the tercentenary of Gurgaddi Divas of Guru Granth Sahib, in 2008, Guru Granth Sahib Resource Centre was set up in the Sadan with a major grant from the Department of Culture, Government of India. The Resource Centre aims to build a first-rate Digital Library on Sikhism in addition to digitizing and conserving rare Guru Granth Sahib Birs with due maryada.

The management of the Sadan is headed by prominent litterateurs and statesmen and others interested in promoting the rich heritage of the Sikh Panth.

Bhai Vir Singh (1872-1957) was the persona behind the Sikh renaissance in the late nineteenth century, taking inspiration from the Guru Granth Sahib, when the community was at the crossroads. The management of Bhai Vir Singh Sahitya Sadan took up this initiative of establishing a centre on the source which inspired all, for humanity at large and Sikhs in particular.

He speaks not, nor doth he smile;
My love is like a statue made 
of spotless white marble!
He ravishes my soul Ah! the all beautiful!
My heart aches and aches, 
but he unravels not the passion of my soul!
I desire, and he filleth me not.
I fain would turn away from him, 
but ah! the all beautiful!
Let my soul ache!
He speaketh not, nor doth he smile!
Enough for me is his presence!
Enough for me these eternal desires 
and their eternal unfulfilment.

- Bhai Vir Singh All Rights Reserved Designed and developed by sarbjitsingh