Prof. Pritam Singh has made an endowment with the Sadan to arrange every year a lecture in the memory of his father Bhai Chanan Singh.
The 17th Lecture on "Sikhism in Twenty First Century" by Prof. Satya P.Gautam (Former VC, Mahatma Jyotiba Phule Rohilkhand University, Bareilly), Presided by Dr.M.S. Gill (Former Minister of Youth Affairs & Sports) on Friday, 27th Oct 2017. Report>>
The 16th Lecture on "Community and Nation: The Sikhs and Indian Nationalism in Late Colonial Punjab" by Prof. K. L. Tuteja and presided over by Prof. Sucheta Mahajan on November, 4th 2016. Report>>
The 15th Lecture on "Sikh and the Idea of Excellence" by Prof. Rakesh Batabyal (Centre of Media Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi), Presided over by Ambassador Ashok Sajjanhar, Guest of Honour Prof. Balbir Sahni (Concordia University, Canada) on Thursday, Aurust 27, 2015. >>Report
The 14th Lecture on "Guru Nanak's Contribution to Indian Philosophical Thought" by Prof. N. Muthu Mohan (Centre of Studies in Sri Guru Granth Sahib, Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar) on Friday, November 14, 2014. >>Report
The 13th Lecture by Prof.Mark Juergensmerer (Director, Orfalea Centre for Global & International Studies. University of California, Santa Barbara, USA) on Thursday, November 28, 2013. >>Report
The 12th Lecture by Prof. Himadri Banerji (Head Guru Nanak Chair, Jadavpur University, West Bengal) on 23rd Nov. 2012 "Sikh diaspora in Eastern and North eastern India" >>Report
The 11th Lecture by Dr. Mary E. John (Director, Centre for Women's Development Studies) on "Gender Paradoxes among the Sikhs in Comparative Perspective" on Wednesday, March 28, 2012. >>Report
The 10th lecture was delivered by Prof. Imtiaz Ahmad (Jawaharlal Nehru University) “SIKHISM OF THE GURU GRANTH” on Thursday, 10th March, 2011. >>Report
The 9th lecture was delivered by Prof. Nadhra Shahbaz Naeem “Sikh Heritage in Lahore: Dera Sahib Complex” on 2009. >>Report
The 8th lecture was delivered by Dr. I.N. Choudhuri “Dharma: Sikh Values and Contemporary Crisis on 2008
The 7th lecture was delivered by Prof. Pervaiz Vandal “Colonial Lahore and Bhai Ram Singh” on 2007
The 6th lecture was delivered by Ambassador Bal Anand, I.F.S. (Retd.) “The Dynamics of Sikh Diaspora since Independence” on 2006
The 5th lecture was delivered by Prof. Namwar Singh “Need to transcend Religious Boundaries” on 2005
The 4th Bhai Chanan Singh Memorial Lecture was delivered by Prof. Barun De of Kolkata in 2004, which was presided over by Prof. B. R. Nanda (Padam Vibhushan).
The 3rd lecture in the series was delivered by Prof. B. N. Goswami in 2003, which was presided over by Dr. L. M. Singhvi, M.P. and former Indian High Commissioner to U.K.
The 2nd lecture was delivered by Prof. Hew McLeod of the University of New Zealand, Dunedin in 2002, which was presided over by S. Khushwant Singh.
The 1st lecture On Martyrdom & its Contexts: Contemporary Reflections on Sikh Tradition by Prof. Dipankar Gupta of Jawaharlal Nehru University in 2002, which was presided over by Prof. J. S. Grewal. All Rights Reserved Designed and developed by sarbjitsingh